Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Great War

100 hundred years ago the world witnessed a war so horrific, so widespread that they called it “the War to end all wars” or simply the Great War.  With the anniversary of the United States participation in World War 1 coming up next year I would encourage you all to visit a museum explaining the war and America’s part in it.

9th Machine Gun Battalion
 Most Americans were opposed to entering the European war, so much so that Woodrow Wilson won his second term in office under the idea that “the president kept us out of war.”[3] January 19, 1917 the British presented America a telegram that had been sent from Germany to Mexico proposing an alliance.  Between this revelation and the unrestricted submarine warfare conducted by Germany against all shipping between America and Britain, the pacifism was turning to a demand for war. On February 3rd, the American grain ship, Housatonic, was sunk and three weeks later a British liner was sunk killing four Americans. Two months later on April 6th the United States declared war on Germany. [2]

369th Infantry
4,000,000 military personnel mobilized during WW1.  The Argonne-Meuse Offensive, starting on September 26, 1918 was the largest battle that US troops participated in during the war. [1] Approximately 1.2 million American troops fought from September to November by the end 26, 277 American soldiers had died in the battle. [2]

On October 4th Wilson received a message from Germany to conduct peace talks according to his 14 points.  The war ended on November 11, 1918. [2]

The list provided is just a small sampling of museums around the country. Take a road trip to one of these or find one closer to you. WW1 should not be forgotten. Find a Museum or exhibit that honors the sacrifice of the 50,000 men killed and an additional 230,000 wounded. [2]


The National WWI Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, MO

Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library in Staunton, VA

Kemper Art Museum in St. Louis, MO

The Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA

American Armored Foundation Tank Museum in Danville, VA

Pritzker Military Museum and Library in Chicago, Ill


[1] Paul S. Boyer, Clifford E. Clark, Jr., Joseph F. Kett Neal Salisbury, Harvard Sitkoff, Nancy Woloch, Enduring Vision: A History of the American People Sixth ed. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2009), 700-701.

[2] H.P. Willmott, World War I (New York: DK Publishing, 2009), 196, 264-265, 307.

[3] A. Scott Berg, Wilson (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2013), 410-411.

Image C.

Image D.








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